Comparing Your Net Promoter Score

NPS Benchmarking Guides Your Goals and Planning

“What should my Net Promoter Score® be?” Simple question, complex answer. NPS® can vary by industry, region, or characteristics of your customers like age, income level, or time with your company.


So, to understand your Net Promoter Score, you must compare that score within your industry, and against both direct and indirect competitors. Companies with scores higher than their competitive set grow faster and are more successful.

Your Standing Matters

Companies whose NPS is higher than their competitive set tend to grow faster and enjoy greater success. Of course, the score is really a marker for the experience customers have on their journey with you. Use your own score – and look at competitive scores – to track the success of your efforts to deliver an outstanding customer experience.

See Yourself in Context

Companies with robust Net Promoter programs make it a habit to seek out and compare themselves to top-scoring firms. NICE Satmetrix makes this easy effort simple with the most comprehensive and reliable set of Net Promoter Benchmarks available. Our data identifies and compares Net Promoter performance across diverse B2C and B2B industries, identifying leaders – and laggards – so that you have a strong and up-to-date basis for comparison.